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Fifth doctorate at the Center for Biodiversity and integrative Taxonomy [17.12.2024]

In September 2024, Maura Haas-Renninger successfully defended her doctoral thesis entitled “Ecosystem services and insect decline: The role of parasitoid Hymenoptera” at the State Museum of Natural History Stuttgart. She has now been awarded her doctorate by the University of Hohenheim.more

TETTRI's Milestone and Stakeholder Lab: On the way to a European graduate school for biodiversity research [13.12.2024]

Strengthening the University of Hohenheim and the Natural History Museum Stuttgart for research and teaching in biodiversity and taxonomymore

Promoting young academics: KomBioTa welcomes five new scholarship holders [12.12.2024]

State graduate funding enables new research projects on biodiversity and species knowledgemore

Eleven new KomBioTa publications in 2024 [11.12.2024]

Working together for research into species knowledge and taxonomymore

For students and teaching staff: Collaborative discussion session - Cultivating Minds for a Biodiverse Future [21.11.2024]

Join and discuss with us! Monday, 25th November 2024, at 1 pm at the Center for Biodiversity and integrative Taxonomy (KomBioTa). Let’s work together to create a greener, more sustainable education system for Europe. more

Bunte Wiese Stuttgart stands up for biodiversity [21.11.2024]

Lively interest at the information stands at the Stuttgart State Museum of Natural History and Wilhelmamore

Species Knowledge in the Media: Taxonomy for Everyone [15.11.2024]

Researchers are committed to science communication more

Science publication: Ants have been farming - for 66 million years [17.10.2024]

Together with research colleagues, KomBioTa Professor Christian Rabeling publishes current results in one of the best-known scientific journalsmore

Restart of the Research Colloquium at the Natural History Museum Stuttgart in the winter semester [01.10.2024]

Every second Tuesday at 3 pm, scientists give insights into their current research in taxonomy and biodiversity.more

More than 230 researchers in zoology met in Hohenheim for the Annual Meeting of the German Zoological Society (DZG2024) [26.09.2024]

Lively exchange among various sub-disciplines on the Hohenheim campus and at the Stuttgart State Museum of Natural Historymore

KomBioTa Annual Report 2023 published [26.08.2024]

Discovering local biodiversity - KomBioTa can look back on numerous activities in the past yearmore

DZG 2024: Early Bird Registration for the Annual Meeting of the German Zoological Society extended [18.06.2024]

Register until June 28th to benefit from the Early Bird Fee more

All about biodiversity and species knowledte: info booth at the "Landesgartenschau" in Wangen, Allgäu

Impulse setzen, Wissen vermitteln und Forschungsprojekte präsentierenmore

Invitation to the Annual Meeting of the German Zoological Society [30.04.2024]

DZG2024: Zoological community takes stock of the current state of biodiversitymore

Hands-on Research at the KomBioTa Spring Meeting [23.04.2024]

Lively discussions on research ideas during the this year's networking meeting at the Natural History Museum Stuttgartmore

"Talking about Taxonomy" lecture about career paths for (agricultural) biologists [19.02.2024]

Laura Matthäus from the Group for Ecological Expertise provides insights into job practicemore

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