In September 2024, Maura Haas-Renninger successfully defended her doctoral thesis entitled “Ecosystem services and insect decline: The role of parasitoid Hymenoptera” at the State Museum of Natural History Stuttgart. She has now been awarded her doctorate by the University of Hohenheim.more
Strengthening the University of Hohenheim and the Natural History Museum Stuttgart for research and teaching in biodiversity and taxonomymore
State graduate funding enables new research projects on biodiversity and species knowledgemore
Working together for research into species knowledge and taxonomymore
Join and discuss with us! Monday, 25th November 2024, at 1 pm at the Center for Biodiversity and integrative Taxonomy (KomBioTa). Let’s work together to create a greener, more sustainable education system for Europe. more
Lively interest at the information stands at the Stuttgart State Museum of Natural History and Wilhelmamore
Researchers are committed to science communication more
Together with research colleagues, KomBioTa Professor Christian Rabeling publishes current results in one of the best-known scientific journalsmore
Every second Tuesday at 3 pm, scientists give insights into their current research in taxonomy and biodiversity.more
Lively exchange among various sub-disciplines on the Hohenheim campus and at the Stuttgart State Museum of Natural Historymore
Discovering local biodiversity - KomBioTa can look back on numerous activities in the past yearmore
Register until June 28th to benefit from the Early Bird Fee more
Only 12 places! Registrations are possible until June 23dt!more
Impulse setzen, Wissen vermitteln und Forschungsprojekte präsentierenmore
DZG2024: Zoological community takes stock of the current state of biodiversitymore
Lively discussions on research ideas during the this year's networking meeting at the Natural History Museum Stuttgartmore
Every second Tuesday at 3 pmmore
Laura Matthäus from the Group for Ecological Expertise provides insights into job practicemore