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Biodiversity & Taxonomy Summer School for Doctoral Candidates in Baden-Württemberg  [18.03.25]

Is there a need for taxonomists outside of science? Which species groups do you need to know? What do students need to be prepared for? The Center for Biodiversity and Integrative Taxonomy invites Doctoral Candidates to our Summer School „Research meets Conservation Practice“ with the aim to find answers for questions like these.

Photo: University of Hohenheim / Benjamin Sampalla.

For three days we want to get to know practical and applied species knowledge.

We will get to know the most important species groups that are relevant for planning activities and learn methods of identification and recording in the field. Afterwards we want to deepen our knowledge in a practical project work, which is based on a planning procedure according to nature conservation law.

In a relaxed atmosphere, we will explore the diverse flora and fauna around the Federsee station from a nature conservation perspective.

During the KomBioTa Summer School Research meets Conservation Practice, we will exchange ideas, share the joy of species knowledge outside our own special expertise and various identify career prospects.

Join us! We are looking forward to you.

When? 7 – 9 July 2025 (Mon – Wed)

Where? Federsee-Station, Bad Buchau

Participants? Doctoral candidates in Baden-Württemberg (max. 12 participants)

Costs: 100 € plus food allowance

Registration until 31 May 2025, by email to with the following information: name, university, study program, semester.


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