Current Dates

Thurs, 13 July 2023 | 2:15 pm | Hybrid Inaugural Lecture | Stefan Merker: Of mice and men – Mammal research at the Natural History Museum Stuttgart  [13.07.23]

Location: Lecture Hall Ö1 and via ZOOM

We would like to draw your attention to the talk by KomBioTa member Dr. Stefan Merker. He will give insights into his perspectives for mammal research at the Natural History Museum Stuttgart during his Inaugural Lecture.


Thurs, 13 July 2023, 2:15 pm

Dr. Stefan Merker: Mammal research at the Natural History Museum Stuttgart

Inaugural Lecture
University of Hohenheim, Garbenstr. 28, Lecture Hall Ö1

Dr. Stefan Merker is mainly focussing on mammalian biogeography, He is especially interested in drivers and mechanisms of speciation. Why and how do animals disperse? Which physical structures are barriers to or corridors for dispersal, now and in the past? And for which organisms? If not by geographic settings, how is reproductive isolation achieved and maintained? And vice versa: What do dated phylogenies tell us about past habitats and the distribution of land and sea? His current studies focus on tarsiers (little Southeast Asian primates) and several native mammals (beavers, rabbits).

It is recommended to attend the seminar in person, but it is also possible to join via  Zoom.


Zoom link is available at



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